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Start your journey to psychological wellbeing.

A home-based program,
tailored for you.

You can listen to the music of SSP remotely from the comfort of your own home, allowing for flexibility and ease.

Start feeling more connected today

why choose SSP?

By helping to regulate the nervous system, the SSP makes it easier for you to engage in other therapies, including mental health therapy that includes talking, thinking, or other actions; body work, physical therapy, and other integrative approaches like sensory integration and occupational therapy.

SSP complements other therapies.

Tailored for you

Sharing connected space with other people is a foundational piece to retuning our nervous system.

Healing happens within safe relationships.

Get started now

Backed by Real World Evidence

Your autonomic nervous system is always asking the question, "Am I safe?"


But what if it's tuned to feel unsafe?

How does the process work?


What our clients say


Still on Hour One, but just wanted to say this has been an incredibly uplifting far! I've been feeling overall grateful and connected and I've felt less pressure to 'do' yet have also felt productive at the same time. I've noticed I'm less impulsive to pick up my phone/respond to everything right away. I love how this is going!!


Thanks so much for checking in with me throughout this process! All these shifts have been subtle over the past 4 months, but noticeable!! I feel like I am connecting with my daughters and my mom in small ways, in just a few minutes at a time. I used to feel like I was always falling short, thinking that quality time requires hours and plans and all that. I'm feeling more authentic intimacy with my husband. And really...the SSP is the only thing that I can think of that's changed!


I know we barely just started SSP 3 days ago. And we're on speakers, not headphones...I have seen AMAZING shifts!! We spent the weekend at staycation with cousins and J had the best time INTERACTING!!! He made eye contact telling my parents a story about floating down the lazy river. He played a card game with his 4yo cousin and when 4yo won, J simply said, 'Do you want to play again?' He tried new foods at the breakfast buffet and was just happy and regulated throughout!!


Without good mental health, it can be difficult to manage daily stressors and challenges, which can lead to negative consequences in all areas of life.

Are you ready to learn more? Request a call now

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